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Friday, October 23, 2009

How to prepare for an interview

As a sequel to my previous post on how to do well at job interviews, this post will talk about the preparations that you can do in the time leading up to your interview. These are practical guidelines to help you tie up loose ends and mentally prepare yourself so that you do not have last minute and unnecessary stress over things you may have overlooked.

When you are contacted for the interview, you should ask a few preliminary questions to help your preparation. You should always ask about what documents are required when you attend the interview. Jot them down and make sure that you have them ready. If it is not asked of you, you should still bring a copy of your resume to the interview. This will also help you as a reference in case you have many versions of resumes sent to different companies at the same time. You don’t want to be confused over which set you have sent to that particular interviewer. You should also bring your education certifications, last three months’ pay slips and any proof of a pay increment, if any.

You should also ask who your interviewers are. Find out their names and their positions in the company if possible. When you have this information, you can do some research and find out more about these individuals so that you know what to expect in terms of their management style, personalities, etc. It is not that easy to find out such personal information most of the time, but if you are well connected, you can ask around friends and get to know who may have heard or know your interviewers.

Also, ask for a contact number and person should you need to contact them. This will come in useful in case of emergency. If for some reason you need to reschedule the interview, at least you are able to be in touch and explain your situation. Also, if you happen to run late on the day of the interview, you should have the courtesy to call to inform.

Take time to decide what you want to wear to the interview. Select something that you feel comfortable and confident wearing. A day or two in advance of the interview, give your outfit a good ironing. Doing this in advance would be a big time saver on the day of the interview, as well as an insurance in case things go wrong on the day you need to wear your power suit, like a power cut which prevents you from ironing out your clothes. This is not paranoid thinking, it could very well happen. In addition, you should also decide on matching shoes and give them a good polish in advance.

Plan your route in advance too, especially if your interview is scheduled at peak hours. Expect delays in traffic conditions and give yourself plenty of time to get there. No harm getting there earlier than to sit in traffic and panic that you will be late. You may also want to enquire about the parking arrangements if you are not familiar with the venue. At most corporate buildings, there are ample parking spaces in the basements, but there are also some buildings that have limited space so you may need to find alternatives. If you have this information beforehand, it could save you a lot of time scouting the area for parking.

As much as the interview will be on your mind a lot, you should also try to take it easy. It is advisable that you take the day off from your job to attend the interview. Most people tend to take half a day of leave if the interview is scheduled in the afternoon. I would like to suggest that you take the entire day off so that you have the morning free and easy. Have an early start on the day of the interview. Do things at a pace that you are comfortable with. Have a hot shower, listen to your favourite music, burn some essential oils and have a positive mindset.

You should do some homework about the company, the role that you have applied for and of course go through the thought process of the possible questions to be asked. You can refer to my earlier post and think through your answers.

Last but not least, you know yourself best and how you can relax the best way possible. Do what it takes and stay in a happy mood. It shows when you are cheerful and confident and it helps to present that positive disposition around you when you meet your interviewers.

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Simple Tips on How to Motivate Yourself

Figuring out how to motivate yourself can be hard. There is always that little voice that says, ?you can?t do it? no matter if you are trying to find the motivation to lose weight, save money, spend more time with the kids, or any other goal. Everyone deals with this little voice; you are not alone. The key is to learn how to motivate yourself in the most effective ways. Here are some tips to help you figure out just what is the best way to motivate yourself.

Shut Out the Voice

One important way how to motivate yourself and to stay that way is to start shutting out that negative little voice in the back of your head. You can do this by simply combating it with positive voices. For example, if you are trying to lose weight and the voice is saying stuff like, ?You?ll never be able to resist the cake at the birthday party,? combat it by telling yourself: ?Even if I do eat a piece of cake that doesn?t mean I have to give up. I?ve done really well so far and I?m going to keep at it!?

Bribe Yourself

Sometimes you have to feed the child inside of you to stay motivated. Just like when motivating a child to do something by promising a treat, you can do the same to reach your own goals. This is How to Motivate Yourself 101. For example, if you did bypass the cake at the birthday party you could reward yourself by indulging in a new pair of shoes. This is called positive reinforcement, and it really does work. If you do challenge yourself and then get positive results when you complete the task then you will keep challenging yourself.

Here?s how it works. The next time you find your motivation for a task or goal failing, tell yourself that you will get a reward after it is done. This reward can be as simple as taking your dog for a walk in the park, or something as lavish as a trip to the day spa to get a massage. Whatever the treat, make sure that it is one that gives you that extra boost to finish the task.

Get Others to Help

One of the biggest motivators of all is pride. If you tell others about your goal then you are bound by your pride to finish it. So, next time you have an important task to complete tell everyone. The every need not to fall on your face in front of others is the perfect way how to motivate yourself.
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Genius IQ in Law Of Reflection

Genius IQ today let you all know about Law of reflection. The Law Of Reflection states that whatever you do, think or feel will be reflected back to you. The reflection is of greater quantity, focus and power. It is a law which is not apparent to most people and so they continue to experience problems in their life, so it is necessary to clarify the principles of this law so that you can complement and respect it to further your goals.

1. You should always speak, act and do things in the way that you would ideally want the world and your life to be. For example, if someone were to speak ill of you, you should ignore it completely and speak highly of them. They will then, almost miraculously end up speaking highly of you too.

2. You should be mindful of the fact that everything you do, think or feel will have a physical effect. No matter how small it may be, the cumulative effect over a period of time can be quite large. For example, if i continued to collect 1 cents coins, i would eventually have a dollar and this same principle applies in this case too, in that small changes will eventually make a big difference.

3. We should valid lengthen to make steps to improve ourselves. This will mean the world will always persist to improve for us..

What To Expect From The Law Of Reflection

A. People will become a reflection of what we want them to be, from the way we speak to them. They will speak highly of us, if we do that to them.

B. Increased clarity and focus in our lives if we give ourselves focus. When we know that what we do will be reflected back on us with greater power, we will continue to remain focused to help ourselves.

C. Increased insight into lifes situations. It no longer becomes a mystery why the same situation continues to crop up time and again. We are creating it from what we are giving out.
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All the postings of mine in this whole Blogspot is not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. I am just saving some time of our Blogspot users to avoid searching everywhere. So none of these are my own videos or pictures. I Am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action i am not supposed to do.If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed. Thanks
Malik Imran Awan

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