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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Astonishing Facts!


1) LONGEST ENGLISH WORD: Praetertranssubstantiationalistically --> has 37 letters.

GADFY,written by Earnest Wright in 1939 is a 50,000+ word book, which doesn't contain a single word with ' e ' in it


4) BRAIN: Organ of body which has no sensation when cut .

5) CROCODILE: Only animal & reptile which sheds tear while eating .

6) No of Alphabets, which SOUND AS WORDS: 10, They are

B Bee
C Sea
z Zee
I Eye
Q Queue
R Are
S Yes
T Tea
U You
Y Why


1) SNAILS have 14175 teeth laid along 135 rows on their tongue.

2) A BUTTERFLY has 12,000 eyes.

3) DOLPHINS sleep with 1 eye open.

4) A BLUE WHALE can eat as much as 3 tonnes of food everyday, but at the same time can live without food for 6 months.

5) The EARTH has over 12,00,000 species of animals, 3,00,000 species of plants & 1,00,000 other species.

6) The fiercest DINOSAUR was TRYNOSAURS which has sixty long & sharp teeth, used to attack & eat other dinosaurs.

7) DIMETRODON was a mammal like REPTILE with a snail on its back. This acted as a radiator to cool the body of the animal.

Cool CASSOWARY is one of the dangerous BIRD, that can kill a man or animal by tearing off with its dagger like claw.
9) The SWAN has over 25,000 feathers in its body.

10) OSTRICH eats pebbles to help digestion by grinding up the ingested food.

11) POLAR BEAR can look clumsy & slow but during chase on ice, can reach 25 miles / hr of speed.

12) KIWIS are the only birds, which hunt by sense of smell.

13) ELEPHANT teeth can weigh as much as 9 pounds.

14) OWL is the only bird, which can rotate its head to 270 degrees.

15) An oyster can change its sex a number of times during its life.

16) It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with.

17) A bean has more DNA per cell than a human cell.


1) If we say 'MUMMY', they come together & go apart when we say 'DADDY'

2) What goes up & never comes down:AGE

3) Patches over patches but no stitches:CABBAGE

4) What is that we cannot see, but is always before you: FUTURE

5) What goes up & down a hill, but never moves:ROAD

6) You can never wet it:SHADOW

7) What belongs to to You, but used by your friends more often you do:YOUR NAME.


1) HEART beats 1,03,689 times.

2) LUNGS respire 23,045 times.

3) BLOOD flows 16,80,000 miles.

4) NAILS grow 0.00007 inches

5) HAIR grows 0.01715 inches

6) Take 2.9 pounds WATER (including all liquids)

7) Take of 3.25 pounds FOOD

Cool Breathe 438 cubic feet AIR.

9) Lose 85.60, BODY TEMPERATURE.

10) Produce 1.43 pints SWEAT.

11) Speak 4,800 WORDS.

12) During SLEEP move 25.4 times

Kofi Annan's Astonishing Facts!

Every year, the United Nations Human Development Report looks for a new way to measure the
lives of people. Putting aside faceless statistics like per capita gross domestic product or export-import figures, the report burrows into the facts about what children eat, who goes to school,
whether there is clean water to drink, how women share in the economy or who doesn't get
vaccinations against diseases that go on killing even though they are preventable. This year, the
report takes its first look at what people have -- from simple toilets to family cars -- and what
proportion of the world's goods and services are consumed, comparatively, by the rich and by the
poor. The pie is huge -- the world's consumption bill is $24 trillion a year -- but some servings
are very small indeed.

THE HAVES The richest fifth of the world's people consumes 86 percent of all goods and
services while the poorest fifth consumes just 1.3 percent. Indeed, the richest fifth consumes 45
percent of all meat and fish, 58 percent of all energy used and 84 percent of all paper, has 74
percent of all telephone lines and owns 87 percent of all vehicles.

NATURAL RESOURCES Since 1970, the world's forests have declined from 4.4 square miles
per 1,000 people to 2.8 square miles per 1,000 people. In addition, a quarter of the world's fish
stocks have been depleted or are in danger of being depleted and another 44 percent are being
fished at their biological limit.

THE GANGES The Ganges River symbolizes purification to Hindus, who believe drinking or
bathing in its waters will lead to salvation. But 29 cities, 70 towns and countless villages deposit
about 345 million gallons of raw sewage a day directly into the river. Factories add 70 million
gallons of industrial waste and farmers are responsible for another 6 million tons of chemical
fertilizer and 9,000 tons of pesticides.

THE ULTRA RICH The three richest people in the world have assets that exceed the combined
gross domestic product of the 48 least developed countries.

AFRICA The average African household today consumes 20 percent less than it did 25 years

THE SUPER RICH The world's 225 richest individuals, of whom 60 are Americans with total
assets of $311 billion, have a combined wealth of over $1 trillion -- equal to the annual income
of the poorest 47 percent of the entire world's population.

COSMETICS AND EDUCATION Americans spend $8 billion a year on cosmetics -- $2 billion
more than the estimated annual total needed to provide basic education for everyone in the

THE HAVE NOTS Of the 4.4 billion people in developing countries,nearly three-fifths lack access to safe sewers, a third have no access to clean water, a quarter do not have adequate
housing and a fifth have no access to modern health services of any kind.

MEAT Americans each consume an average of 260 pounds of meat a year. In Bangladesh, the
average is six and a half pounds.

THE FUTURE By 2050, 8 billion of the world's projected 9.5 billion people -- up from about 6
billion today -- will be living in developing countries.

SMOKE Of the estimated 2.7 million annual deaths from air pollution, 2.2 million are from
indoor pollution -- including smoke from dung and wood burned as fuel which is more harmful
than tobacco smoke. 80 percent of the victims are rural poor in developing countries.

WRISTWATCHES AND RADIOS Two thirds of India's 90 million lowest-income households
live below the poverty line -- but more than 50 percent of these impoverished people own
wristwatches, 41 percent own bicycles, 31 percent own radios and 13 percent own fans.

TELEPHONE LINES Sweden and the United States have 681 and 626 telephone lines per 1,000
people, respectively. Afghanistan, Cambodia, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
have only one line per 1,000 people.

ICE CREAM AND WATER Europeans spend $11 billion a year on ice cream -- $2 billion more
than the estimated annual total needed to provide clean water and safe sewers for the world's

LANDMINES More than 110 million active landmines are scattered in 68 countries, with an
equal number stockpiled around the world. Every month more than 2,000 people are killed or
maimed by mine explosions.

PET FOOD AND HEALTH Americans and Europeans spend $17 billion a year on pet food -- $4
billion more than the estimated annual additional total needed to provide basic health and
nutrition for everyone in the world. $

40 BILLION A YEAR It is estimated that the additional cost of achieving and maintaining
universal access to basic education for all, basic health care for all, reproductive health care for
all women, adequate food for all and clean water and safe sewers for all is roughly $40 billion a
year -- or less than 4 percent of the combined wealth of the 225 richest people in the world.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Secret Codes You Aren’t Meant To Know

The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with a minimum of misunderstanding to staff. Some places use secret codes to pass information between store employees. These are meant to be a secret as they don’t want to alarm the non-staff members or alert someone like a thief to the fact that they have been noticed.

Name Codes

Code Oscar: On a ship, a code oscar means someone has gone overboard. If the ship has to maneuver erratically to handle the situation, it must also send out blasts on the signal so that other ships nearby are aware of the fact that it is about to change its course. It should be noted that ships don’t have an internationally standardized set of PA signals and they can differ from place to place, but this is a fairly commonly used one.

Code delta: can mean that there is a biological hazard - though who knows what that might be on a passenger ship.

Code Alpha: often means “medical emergency”.

Code Adam: was invented by Walmart but it is now an internationally recognized alert. It means “missing child”. The code was first coined in 1994 in memory of Adam Walsh, a six-year old, who went missing in a Sears department store in Florida in 1981. Adam was later found murdered. The person making the announcement will state “we have a code Adam,” followed by a description of the missing child. As soon as the alert is heard, security staff will begin to monitor the doors and other exits. If the child is not found within 10 minutes, the police are alerted and a store search begins. Also, if the child is found in the first 10 minutes in the company of an unknown adult, the police must be called and the person detained if it is safe to do so.

Computer Support Codes

In computer support, a variety of codes can be used when referring to a customer

PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

PICNIC: Problem in chair - not in computer

ID 10 T Error: ID 10 T is, of course, IDIOT

“Doctor” Codes

“Doctor” codes are often used in hospital settings for announcements over a general loudspeaker or paging system that might cause panic or endanger a patient’s privacy. Most often, “Doctor” codes take the form of “Paging Dr. _____”, where the doctor’s “name” is a codeword for a dangerous situation or a patient in crisis.

Doctor Brown: is a code word often used in hospitals to alert security staff to a threat to personnel. If a nurse or doctor is in danger from a violent patient or non-staff member, they can page Doctor Brown to their location and the security staff will rush to their aid. In some hospitals

Dr. Allcome: Serious emergency. “Doctor Allcome to Ward 5.” would indicate that all medical staff not presently occupied are needed. (The Med, Memphis Tennessee)

Dr. Firestone: Fire in the hospital. If a fire’s location can be isolated, the location of the fire is included in the page, e.g. “Paging Dr. Firestone to 3 West” indicates “Fire in or near west stairwell/wing on third floor” (William Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak and Troy, MI).

Dr. Pyro: Fire in the hospital/healthcare facility. “Paging Dr. Pyro on ____” indicates a fire and its origin or current location, e.g. “Paging Dr. Pyro on 3? means “Fire on third floor” (Kaiser Permanente, system-wide).

Dr. Strong: Patient needing either physical assistance or physical restraint. “Paging Dr. Strong …” indicates that any physically capable personnel (orderlies, police or security officers, EMTs or firemen, etc.) in the proximity should report and be prepared either to move a patient who “fell down” and cannot get back up or to “capture and restrain” an uncooperative patient.

“Colour” Codes

Code Black:

- In Australia code black is a personal threat. This incorporates a diverse range of situations including assaults, confrontations, hostage situations and threats of personal injury or attack

- Bomb Threat (Ontario, Manitoba)

- In the military code black is bomb threat or discovery of suspicious package.

Code Gray/Grey

- A combative person with no weapon under HASC suggestions.

- Severe Weather (Cook Children’s Medical Center, Fort Worth, TX)

Code Green

-A combative person using physical force, especially weapons. (some American hospitals)

-Used to indicate an evacuation situation, and can refer to the evacuation of a ward/floor/wing or the entire hospital (Code Green - Stat) depending on the call (Ontario Hospital Emergency Codes, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority)

Code Pink

- Biohazardous contamination of a patient or staff. (Heartland Regional Medical Center)

- Patient is under influence of illegal substances (UK First Aid organisations)

Code Purple

- Australian Standard for Bomb or Substance alert

- Hostage situation or patient abduction (Ontario Hospital Association)

- Emergency department can no longer accept patients; divert incoming cases to other hospitals if at all possible (Canada, also Wellstar Health Group)

Code Silver

- Combative person with a Lethal Weapon (HASC recommendations).

- Violent Situation - Lockdown (Cook Children’s Medical Center, Fort Worth, TX)

Code Yellow

- Missing patient (Ontario Hospital Emergency Codes).

Code Orange

- Used in Ontario hospitals to indicate an external disaster with mass casualties. Lockdown or controlled facility access is often used as part of the response. Volunteers, Families and Students were denied access during SARS Outbreak of 2003.

Code Brown

- Missing Adult (University of Toledo Medical Center) (University of Cincinnati Medical Center)
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Ridiculously Nice High Schools and Colleges From Around the World

Here are some pretty awesome high schools and colleges from around the world
Orestad High School, Copenhagen

Nanyang University, Singapore

High School in Central LA

Gehry-Designed Stata Center at MIT

Victorian College of the Arts School of Drama

Arcadia University’s Grey Towers Castle

Oppenheim’s Miami-Dade College Campus

Concrete and Glass Gateway Building at MICA
Metzo College in Netherlands
Henning Larsing University in Denmark
Rafael Arozarena High School, Spain
Bikuben Student Residence, University of Copenhagen

Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham
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Ridiculously Nice High Schools and Colleges From Around the World

Here are some pretty awesome high schools and colleges from around the world
Orestad High School, Copenhagen

Nanyang University, Singapore

High School in Central LA

Gehry-Designed Stata Center at MIT

Victorian College of the Arts School of Drama

Arcadia University’s Grey Towers Castle

Oppenheim’s Miami-Dade College Campus

Concrete and Glass Gateway Building at MICA
Metzo College in Netherlands
Henning Larsing University in Denmark
Rafael Arozarena High School, Spain
Bikuben Student Residence, University of Copenhagen

Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham
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Home of: The Blue-Blazer Douche
Affectations: The side part; the insistence on referring to your school as "the University," our third president as "Mr. Jefferson," the quad as "the lawn," and the Civil War as the "War Between the States."
Overheard in the bleachers: "Well, at least our football players actually go to class and—hey, Dylan, this mint julep is outstanding."
In ten years, will be: A member of an exclusive country club. Maybe a philandering public official. Not unlikely a lobbyist for a tobacco company. Possibly all three.
Honorable-mention blue-blazer institutions: Duke, William & Mary, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, Sewanee.

Home of: The Burnt-Orange Douche
Definitely douchey, but we're not totally sure why.

Home of: The quote-unquote College Douche
A peek inside: Known as "the country club of higher education." Or "where Waspy dudes from Roanoke gather to text each other during class."
Affectation: Classes.
In ten years, will be: Plotting the fake murder of your father with the pilot of his private plane, splitting the insurance money, and later being arrested on a fan boat in the Everglades.

Home of: The Womyn Douche
Most popular major: Listening to Regina Spektor with your girlfriend, who you kind of suspect is a lesbian.
Affectations: Comfy Thai meditation pants in gold and puce; pretending not to be that horny; needlepointing the first sentence of Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior for lesbian girlfriend.
Favorite pickup technique: Expounding on Spiral Jetty's debt to pre-Columbian cultures.
Well-known male alumni: Not applicable.

Exeter with a 9-Iron but My Dad Got Me in Here" Douche
Overheard at freshman orientation: "It's just like boarding school, except all the nerds are at Yale!"
Typical Saturday evening: Squash match, followed by elephant walk.

Home of: The Fonzworth Bentley Douche
A peek inside: Is it possible to be in the International Leadership Program while also being president of Alpha Phi Alpha while also getting all militant about the white power structure while also promoting a biweekly hip-hop showcase? Yes? Then you're just barely keeping up with the status quo at Morehouse—good luck getting into Yale Law!
Affectations: Yellow V-neck sweater with orange-and-blue bow tie; box-seat double date to Coldplay show at Philips Arena.
Most likely to: Be a lawyer by day, black socialite by night.

Home of: The Excessive-School-Pride Douche
Affectations: Dressing for class each morning as if you were the offensive-line coach; writing prison letters to Maurice Clarett.
Overheard at Buckeye career-building workshop: "You can put 'Won a national championship' on a résumé, right?"
Most likely to: Suffocate a hapless Boilermakers fan with a giant foam Number One after offhand comment about how the marching band's "Script Ohio" wasn't all that impressive.
Honorable-mention excessive-school-pride institutions: Duke, Michigan, Texas, Penn State, Yeshiva University.

Home of: The Future Marketing Executives of America Douche
Most likely to: Major in communications and take it seriously.
Overheard at the "Winning in a Down Time: How to Brand Yourself" seminar aftermingle: "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"
Thesis topic: "Those Axe Ads: Totally Funny, Bro."

Home of: The Paul Wolfowitz Douche
Affectations: Horn-rimmed glasses; pipe; well-thumbed copy of The Antitrust Paradox; precocious ideas of mankind as brutish and disgusting.
Core belief: War is good (as long as you don't have to fight in it).
Postcollege career: Talking down to those unlucky enough never to have studied at the feet of Richard Posner; slowly chipping away at the Voting Rights Act.

Home of: The Giant-Sunglasses Douche
Affectations: Audi Q7 (high school graduation present); tertiary connection to Olsen twin; frosted tips.
Thesis topic: "Steven Spielberg's Gremlins and the Art of the Impossible."
Ten years from now, will be: Living in Laurel Canyon while "producing" a bio-pic on Karch Kiraly and burning endless pounds of the kush.
Honorable-mention crazily expensive institutions: Duke, Tulane, Bennington, Hamilton.

Home of: The moral Douche
Favorite pickup line: "You know, I thought about the seminary, but then I decided it wasn't for me. If you know what I mean."
Douchey alumni: Condoleezza Rice, James Baker, Regis Philbin, Steve Bartman.
Profiles in Studentia: Gerry McDougal,* Chicago. "I was looking for a place that would challenge me academically, but I also wanted to feel bad about masturbating. At Notre Dame, I got both."
*There is no Gerry McDougal.

Home of: The "Show Us Your Tits!" Douche
Most likely to: Inadvertently find an Internet picture of that girl from your Robert Ludlum seminar, sunburned and topless while vomiting a melon-ball shooter through her nose.
Favorite pickup line: "I like your boobs."
Profiles in studentia: Roger McFeelings,* Cincinnati. "I had such an awesome time in Cancún. I got really fucking tan, the girls were hot, and the Ecstasy was almost pure. I was like, I wish Cancún was a college! Then I realized, it is!"
Honorable-mention "show us your tits!" institutions: Duke, any state school in Florida or Arizona, U. of Delaware, Dartmouth.
*We only wish there were someone named Roger McFeelings.

Home of: The Ducks-Unlimited DoHome of: The Ducks-Unlimited DoucheAffectation: Fully loaded black Chevy Tahoe with fishing boat lashed to top and backseat full of Realtree camo hunting gear.Prized possession: White bulldog with notarized papers proving a bloodline to Uga IV.Overheard at Gator Haters: "What happened to duck hunting this morning, boy?" "Fuck, man! We were gonna go, but we raged downtown last night, then went to a late-night, and when I got home to pass out, my wake-up alarm was already going off." "Fuck!"uche
Affectation: Fully loaded black Chevy Tahoe with fishing boat lashed to top and backseat full of Realtree camo hunting gear.
Prized possession: White bulldog with notarized papers proving a bloodline to Uga IV.
Overheard at Gator Haters: "What happened to duck hunting this morning, boy?" "Fuck, man! We were gonna go, but we raged downtown last night, then went to a late-night, and when I got home to pass out, my wake-up alarm was already going off." "Fuck!"

Home of: The Online Douche
Affectations: Futon in mom's basement; agoraphobia.
In ten years, will be: Sending e-mails that say, "Hello Dear Friend, I am Dr. Martin from Congo and I must trust you to be the recipient of $4mil dollarz US currencee."
Alumni: Shaquille O'Neal, Lisa Leslie, George W. Bush.

Home of: The "Yeah, I Did That When I Was 17" Douche
Affectations: White Wayfarers; vintage New York Dolls T-shirt; high-concept hat; complaining about how New York City is so gentrified now.
In ten years, will be: Still talking about how you did that when you were 17.

Home of: The Kind-Bud Douche
Affectations: Prius; $400 Telemark skis you're not sure what to do with; bong made from recycled Nalgene bottles; white-guy dreads.
Profiles in studentia: Corey Loggins,* Madison, Wisconsin. "I like cookies. And Cheetos. God, Cheetos are good. Have you ever had a Coke slushie? Hey, have you ever stared at the sun and then closed your eyes and then see all those weird blue rainbows? Man, these mountains are beautiful. Trees scare me. Hey, who are you?"
*Yeah, okay, there's no one named Corey Loggins.
Ten years from now, will be: A junior.
Honorable-mention kind-bud institutions: Duke, University of Vermont, all schools surrounded by forests with furry goblins in them.

Home of: The Snow-Machine Douche
Affectations: .30-06 with a variable scope; large testicles; free levi sticker on bumper of Dodge Ram dually.
In ten years, will be: Governor of Alaska.

Home of: The Jet Ski douche
Affectations: Forty-six-foot cigarette boat; Bahamian bank account; unlit cigarillo.
Overheard at Sunday brunch: "Let's blow off class tomorrow and hit some jai alai. I've got Dad's gold card, esse!"

Home of: The "I Went to a Small liberal-arts College in Massachusetts" Douche
Affectations: Quiet sense of superiority; intense desire to be surrounded by 1,700 people almost exactly like you; Choate soccer jacket.
In ten years, will be: Smart policy guy at State Department that no one listens to.
Douchey mascot: Lord Jeffrey Amherst.
Problem with douchey mascot: Distributed smallpox-infested blankets to Native Americans.

Home of: The "not even College Republicans at Other Schools will Talk to You" Douche
Affectations: White robe; hair shirt; Library of Congress–size porn stash.
Ten years from now, will be: Forming your own branch of the Ted Haggard sexuality-reprogramming ministry.

Home of: The "I Went to a School So Exclusive, Only Six People Know About It and Half of Them Are So Smart They're Clinically Insane" Douche
Affectations: Castrating horses; translating Latin; vows of silence.
A peek inside: The campus is a ranch and alfalfa farm near Death Valley, each class has no more than fifteen men, and students spend their time reading Infinite Jest, Remembrance of Things Past, and a little volume by the college's founder (called The Gray Book) that's all about hearing the "Voice of the Desert."
Douchey founder: Lucien Lucius Nunn, who moved the college to the middle of nowhere in California in 1917.
Problem with douchey founder: Some people thought he was a little too interested in the young students

Home of: The Harvard Douche
In ten years, will be: A Harvard douche.
Douches emeriti: Benazir Bhutto, Lou Dobbs, John Quincy Adams, Mira Sorvino.

Home of: The Eating-Club Douche
Affectations: They invented affectations!
A peek inside: Most Ivy Leaguers try (unconvincingly) not to mention which college they went to. Not at Princeton.
In ten years, will be: Our boss.
Favorite pickup lines: "Hey, didn't I see you at the Cap & Gown Club?" "Hi. My father invaded Cuba."
How to get in: "There is no formula for what makes the best Princeton student. In one year, we may be looking for that talented oboist* to fill out the woodwind section of the orchestra, while another year we may be focused on finding a well-rounded field-hockey player."—cass cliatt, director of media relations
*Seriously, what is it about elite universities and the oboe?
Honorable-mention eating-club institutions: A basketball school in Durham, a university in New Haven, a college in Cambridge.

Home of: The O.D. (Original Douche)
Affectations: Pressed oxford; Goldman Sachs summer-internship tote; always ending the party by taking your shirt off and wrestling a guy named Schmitty.
A peek inside: They're probably number one. But we'd rather not rank Duke number one at anything.
In ten years, will be: Still trying to re-create the golden age of banking while wearing driving mocs and no socks.

Home of: The "Peace Sign on My Mom's 7 Series" Douche
Affectations: A belief that grades, majors, and course requirements are just another form of cultural hegemony; using the word hegemony.
In ten years, will be: Living with your family in an old house that you quit your job to refurbish yourself (by overseeing a contractor) with painstaking historical accuracy in a formerly decaying section of the city that's recently been reclaimed by a small population of white guys in hand-painted T-shirts who are helping you put together a health care fund-raiser for
Douchiest course offering: English 200: On Vampires and Violent Vixens: Making the Monster Through Discourses of Gender and Sexuality.
Honorable-mention limousine-liberal institutions: Duke, Reed, Oberlin, Wesleyan, Bard, RISD.
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All the postings of mine in this whole Blogspot is not my own collection. All are downloaded from internet posted by some one else. I am just saving some time of our Blogspot users to avoid searching everywhere. So none of these are my own videos or pictures. I Am not violating any copy rights law or not any illegal action i am not supposed to do.If anything is against law please notify so that they can be removed. Thanks
Malik Imran Awan

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