Study Abroad in Poland
Situated in the heartland of Europe, Poland has been both a bridge and a front line between eastern and western Europe. Today, free from outside interference, Poland is the place to go if you're interested in seeing how a nation picks itself up off the floor and tries to reinvent itself. It's a multifaceted country where the capital and medieval old towns are coddled by contemporary city slickers and where horse-drawn carts negotiate country lanes in areas where the 20th century appears to have got lost somewhere down the road."
Those with a taste for history and its mementos are invited to the many painstakingly restored old town centers, the Royal Castles of Warsaw and Cracow, Poland's former capita, and the old palaces erected by Polish magnates, bringing to mind the memory of bygone centuries. They will certainly enjoy our museums which include the unique in Europe, medieval, underground salt-mine in Wieliczka and the Nicolaus Copernicus Biographical Museum in the old bishops' seat in Frombork.
Connoisseurs of the Art are sure to be interested in the calendar of artistic events in the homeland of Chopin and Penderecki: the Chopin Piano Competition and the Wieniawski Violin Competition, both well-known throughout the world, the Warsaw Autumn Festival of Contemporary Music, the Jazz Jamboree International Festival of Jazz Music, the Piknik Country Festival of Country Music, and many cultural events for youth and folklore festivals.
To the observer of social and political change in the modern world, Poland comes upon the stage as the cradle of the 'Solidarity' movement which shook the entire communist system and changed the shape of Central Europe in recent years. It is the homeland of Pope John Paul II and a country of people open and hospitable to visitors. Poland is also the homeland of many Nobel prize winners: Henryk Sienkiewicz, Wladyslaw Reymont, Czeslaw Milosz, Wieslawa Szymborska (literature), Maria Sklodowska-Curie (chemistry and physics), and Lech Walesa (peace).
In spite of a turbulent history and the dramatic changes shaping Polish society today, Poles have vigorously maintained a distinct sense of culture and community. Come and meet them on their home ground and visit the land that continues to motivate and inspire them
currency The currency of Poland is Zloty
1 Polish zloty = 0.311944 U.S. dollars
Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2005 est.): $489.8 billion;
per capita $12,700. Real growth rate: 3.5%.
Inflation: 2.1%.
Unemployment: 18.3%.
Arable land: 46%.
Agriculture: potatoes, fruits, vegetables, wheat; poultry, eggs, pork, dairy.
Software companies in poand · AIS.PL
· Computer Associates
· ComputerLand SA
· DRQ Sp z o.o.
· Logotec Engineering SA
· The Polished Group
· Softbank
· Prokom Software
· Infoservice
· Optimus
· MKS Vir
· Young Digital Poland
· Vulcan Media
· SuperMemo World
· Nahlik Soft
· Jacek Skalmierski
· Creamsoft
· Comarch
· e-Pro
Jeronimo Martins Dystrybucja S.A. The company is one of the largest employers in Poland, giving jobs to over 12,000 people. In the ranking of Poland's largest employers prepared by Rzeczpospolita, Jeronimo Martins Dystrybucja was ranked 9th
Currently, the largest employer is the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS).
In recent years the population of Poland, currently 38,7 million people, has been experiencing very slow growth. Approximately 62% of Poles live in cities, with are mostly small or medium sized, and half of the population lives in 42 cities with a population of over 100.000 inhabitants. Approximately 62% of Poles live in cities, with are mostly small or medium sized, and half of the population lives in 42 cities with a population of over 100.000 inhabitants. Approximately 62% of Poles live in cities, with are mostly small or medium sized, and half of the population lives in 42 cities with a population of over 100.000 inhabitants. Warsaw, the capital and Polish largest city has a population of 1,6 million people. Apart from the capital, the Polish largest cities are lodz, Cracow, Wroclaw, Poznan and Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia conurbation, with together for about 3,6 million people. With respect to size of population, Poland ranks 8th in Europe and 29th in the world, with an average population density of 124 persons per km2. The population of Polish communities abroad is estimated at 12 million, with the largest communities living in USA (5,6 million), Commonwealth of the Independent States (2,5 million), France (1 million), Germany (0,8 million), Canada (0,4 million), Brasil (0,2 million). From the ethnic point of view, Poland is one of the most homogeneous countries in Europe, with over 98% of the population being Polish ethnic origin.
Education system
Primary Education
The reformed 6-year primary school, introduced in the school year 1999/2000 under the Act of 8 January 1999 on the Implementation of the Education System Reform, is divided into 2 stages:
Stage I covers grades 1,2 and 3, and is called integrated teaching Teaching at this stage is designed to ensure smooth transition from pre-school to school education.
Stage II covers grades 4,5 and 6. Teaching at this stage is arranged in subjects listed in the outline timetable: Polish language, history and civics, modern foreign language, mathematics, natural science, music, art, technology, computer sciences, physical education, religion or ethics.
In addition to separate subjects, the following "educational paths" have been introduced at this stage: health education, ecological education, reading and media education, education for society, education for family life, cultural heritage of the region, patriotic and civic education
The school head is responsible for the inclusion of these paths in the curricula implemented by particular teachers.
No special test or examination is envisaged between stages 1 and 2. Class composition is based on the age of pupils.
Secondary Education
In the framework of the education system reform in 1999 three-year gymnasia were established as a first (lower) level of the secondary school. Since 2002 upper secondary schools have been operational.
Lower Secondary Education: Gymnasium offers 3-years of full-time general lower secondary education for pupils who completed the reformed 6-year primary school. It is compulsory for all pupils. The gymnasium is targeted at pupils aged 13 to 16 and is considered the last stage (Stage 3) of general compulsory education. It provides education by subjects, the widest possible variety, but at the basic level. One of the aims of this stage is to identify the abilities and interests of the pupils and to help them make a rational choice of a further education route.
Upper Secondary Education: the age of pupils in upper secondary education is between 16 and 18/19/20 years. The upper secondary education is not divided into cycles.
Since the school year 2002/03 the following
post-gymnasium schools are operational: zasadnicze szkoly zawodowe (basic vocational schools, pupils aged 16 to 18/19)
- duration 2 to 3 years, the graduates receive a diploma confirming vocational qualifications upon passing of an exam, it is possible to continue education in a 2-year supplementary general lyceum or in a 3-year supplementary technicum.
3- year licea ogólnoksztalcace (general secondary schools, pupils aged 16 to 19) which enable pupils to take the Matura exam and obtain a swiadectwo dojrzalosci.
3-year licea profiloane (subject oriented secondary schools, pupils aged 16 to 19) - teaching is carried out in the general profiles of vocational training, it enables the pupils to take the Matura exam and obtain a swiadectwo dojrzalosci.
4-year technika (vocational secondary schools, pupils aged 16 to 20) which enable pupils to obtain a vocational qualifications diploma upon passing of an exam, and to take the Matura exam and obtain a swiadectwo dojrzalosci.
2-year uzupelniajace licea ogólniksztalcace (supplementary general secondary schools, pupils aged 18/19 to 20/21) for basic vocational schools' leavers which enable pupils to take the Matura exam and obtain a swiadectwo dojrzalosci (operational since 1 September 2004).
3-year technika uzupelniajace (supplementary secondary vocational schools, pupils aged 18/19 to 21/22) for graduates of basic vocational schools which enables pupils to take the Matura exam and obtain a swiadectwo dojrzalosci, as well as to obtain a vocational qualifications diploma upon passing of an exam.
Post-Secondary (non-Tertiary) Education Post-secondary schools admit graduates of general secondary schools based on a secondary school leaving certificate. Tha age of pupils is between 19 - 20/21.
Post-secondary schools provide courses within the following groups of branches: teacher education, arts, economics and administration, medical studies, technology, agriculture, forestry and fishery, transport and communication, hotel services and computing. The most popular branches include: teacher education, economics, library science, hotel services and computing.
Duration of education depends on a type of occupation and for majority of them is 2- 2,5 years.
Tertiary Education Following the transformation of the political system in 1990 a major change took place in the higher education system. On the basis of a new law on higher education adopted on the 12th of September 1990 higher education institutions were granted institutional autonomy, freedom in teaching and research and internal self-governance was developed.
Under the new legislation non-state higher education institutions were established. In the academic year 2002/2003 there were 395 higher education institutions (including the military, internal affairs and church establishments), of which 125 were state and 270 were non-state institutions.
Higher education institutions are targeted at teaching students at the vocational or Master degree level and at preparing them for commencement of their professional careers. Academic higher education institutions also carry out scientific research (or create works of art) and train doctoral students for research, artistic activities and teaching. Development and dissemination of national culture are also included in higher education institutions together with co-operation with local communities and preparation of students for social life.
A school of higher education can offer uniform Master degree studies, higher vocational studies as well as supplementary Master degree studies. It can also offer postgraduate courses, PhD studies, as well as special studies and courses.
system (including non-state institutions): universities
technical universities
agricultural schools
schools of economics
teacher education schools
medical academies
maritime schools
academies of physical education
schools of arts
school of theology
non-state schools of higher education.
The requirement to apply for admission to higher education studies is the Matura certificate (swiadectwo dojrzalosci). Generally, enrolment may be based on an entrance examination or a qualifying interview, or it may not involve an entrance examination, in all cases the submission of documents and the payment of fees follows the above mentioned procedures. The school can charge an examination fee up to the amount defined by the Minister for the given year.
In order to make HE accessible to higher number of young people, the system of financial support to students from the state budget has been introduced. Financial support to students in HEIs is provided in the framework of university student support funds. Students at state HEIs who follow day courses can receive social allowances, special grants for the disabled, grants for scientific achievements, housing allowances, meal allowances and allowances from trust. Since 2001 day students from non-state and church run HEIs can also apply for social allowances.
Tertiary Education Diploma Schools of higher education have a right to confer the following professional titles: magister - conferred to graduates of Master Degree courses in humanities, natural sciences, maths, physics, chemistry, physical education, economics, social studies and law, as well as medical science apart from the following areas: physicians training, dentistry, nursing and midwifery;
the cities in poland :-
Danzig, Krakow , Lodz, Warsaw and Wroclaw
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