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Monday, May 4, 2009

Study Abroad Scholarships

Study abroad scholarships are mainly designed to provide necessary financial support for carrying out a successful overseas study program. With this, more and more students are able to utilize the educational opportunities available in foreign countries. Study abroad scholarships are usually granted on a semester or annual basis, by a board of university members. The rules of the scholarships may vary from time to time, depending upon the availability of funds.

Study abroad scholarships are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. They are awarded based on one’s financial requirements and the nature of the program the student is enrolling in. It is crucial to make sure that the study abroad scholarships meet all the expenses involved. Apart from the tuition fees, some scholarships include traveling expenses, housing, a book allowance, and health and accident insurance

Study abroad scholarships require the student to have a good academic background and a minimum grand point average (GPA) of 2.75 as an undergraduate or 3.25 as a graduate. The applicant needs to be a permanent resident of the U.S. Once the above criteria are met, the board of members selects the scholarship recipient through tests and interviews.

In the U.S., countless study abroad scholarships are available for studying various languages. Among them, the most prominent ones are National Security Education Program / David L. Boren Undergraduate Scholarships, Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, Freeman-ASIA Award Program, Robert B. Bailey Scholarship, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships, Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Scholarships, Golden Key Study Abroad Scholarships, and Fulbright Travel Grants.

Many universities also award special scholarships exclusively for their students based on their overall academic performance. As the study abroad scholarships are awarded prior to enrollment, the students need to submit an application the year before they plan to join.

Study Abroad provides detailed information on Study Abroad, Summer Study Abroad, Study Abroad Programs, Study Abroad Scholarships and more. Study Abroad is affliated with Home Study.


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Malik Imran Awan

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