College Scholarship: Guide to Parents on Getting Financial Aid for their Children

College Education: Scholarship Grants or Financial Aid?
How much is the cost for a college education?
Is there an available financing scheme?
Let’s face the reality. College education is expensive! A lot of parents do a double take when their children are preparing and looking forward to attending a community college or a state university.
There are a lot of things which comprises the cost of college education and the tuition fee is just a part of the big picture of getting into college. Other everyday expenditure includes food, transportation, housing, pocket money, and other miscellaneous fees which when added up can create a significant portion in financing a college education.
A lot of families in this day and age, even if they belong to the upper-class society, think about applying for financial aid. College grants and scholarships are the most excellent kind of financial assistance.
Grant and scholarship programs do not entail students or the family to pay back. These could be of two kinds: (1) base on need, which is given due to the financial inability of the student and the family as a whole, and (2) base on merit, the talent of the student like in sports, is the main consideration. The student’s academic ability also falls under the merit-base college grant and scholarship.
Oftentimes, college grants and scholarships combine the merit and need criteria to ease out the whole financial aid process. Numerous students and their families are in the look-out for this type of financial aid. However, college grants and scholarships are limited compared with the growing number of students year after year.
Qualifying students can avail of federal and a number of state scholarship programs. Some of which are the following:
Federal or National Pell Grants – this is a program funded nationwide intended to endow assistance to any qualified undergraduate learner pursuing postsecondary schooling. Grants and scholarships of this kind are given to those who have not finished a baccalaureate degree.
The worth of the grant can vary year after year and will depend largely on the financial need of the students, the expenses that will be incurred while attending the chosen university or college, and the availability of funds from the national government.
This type of grant will open opportunity for the students to avail succeeding financial aid from the national government.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) – this is a program for ongoing undergraduate students with outstanding monetary need. However, not all students can avail this type of grant. This will depend on the eligibility of the students and availability of finances of the concerned school.
Another form of financial aid that students and families can turn to is through loans. This type of financial assistance should be paid back. The financial need of the family should be considered thoroughly to avoid paying high interest rates.
It is also a must to understand all the terms of lending agencies such as the schedule of repayment and interest rates, before signing in or making a commitment.
Work study is a form of financial assistance which calls for students to do labor to sustain their college education. Work study is commonly done on campus and is the most typical form of financial aid in all universities and colleges. Usually, the students will render service to schools for ten to fifteen hours per week.
Scholarships, grants and other forms of financial aid to acquire college education is really multifaceted, confusing at times, and even exasperating. The good thing is college education is a non-refundable and non-biodegradable type of investment. It is for the future!
College Scholarship: Guide to Parents on Getting Financial Aid for their Children
Many believe that being a parent is the happiest moment in the life of a human being. Probably you still remember the excitement that you felt when your wife gave birth to your first child. There are times that you will not sleep because you want to take care of your child even in the midst of the evening. You want to ensure that he/she will sleep soundly through the night.
It is true that happiness comes with children in the family. However, such happiness could be achieved if you are responsible enough with your children. You need to provide all of their needs, starting from their infancy until the time that they are studying. Although it will really cost you a lot, you have the responsibility to your children, especially in giving them the education that they need.
If you have children who are now going to college, you have to think of their financial needs. Probably you still remember your own collegiate years and you are aware of the financial needs of an ordinary college student. However, the difference is that you are now the parent—you will now be the one to think of the different payments that you need to settle for your children’s college education, such as college application, scholastic assessment test expenditures, transcript of records, and others. Add to it the lodging and food allowance of your children if the college or university is far away from your own residence.
Thinking all of these college-related expenses could be overwhelming and bothering as well, especially if your salary is not enough to support such expenses and your family’s financial needs at the same time. But if you know how to get a college financial aid for your children, you will find out that everything will work out smoothly.
How you will start your search for the college financial aid for your children? Here are some tips that you can start with:
• When your children are still on their high school years, you should start searching for potential universities that offer college scholarships for deserving freshman students as well as financial aid programs funded by different organizations. You may start your search on the Internet to look for possible college financial aid options for your children.
• Once you find a prospective university, visit their main office and inquire for any college scholarship or financial aid offers.
• Always ask for the cut-off dates of filing and submission of college financial aid application forms.
• Tell your children about the importance of a scholarship to their college education. Make them aware that they have plenty of options to consider as long as they have good high school scholastic records. In this way, you will be able to motivate them to study harder and make good grades, thus increasing your chances of a good financial aid.
• You may also consider filing an application for financial aid programs funded by the Federal government. State-owned colleges and universities offer this kind of financial assistance to qualified and deserving students who want to pursue their college studies despite of financial difficulties. You may submit the FAFSA (Free Application Form Student Aid) personally.
• Make certain that you have completed all the FAFSA requirements (such as present statement of bank accounts, monthly income records, present mortgage information, and others) and understand the rights or specialadvantages before accepting the financial aid for your children. You may also check if the financial aid is renewable.
With different financial aid programs such as college scholarships and federal grants, you are assured of a bright future for your children despite of the financial difficulties that you are currently experiencing.
How to Apply for a Scholarship
When we speak of college scholarship application, the burden is always on the parents. Since they have the responsibility over the education of their children and they know what will be good for them, parents apply personally for the college scholarship of their children.
What if we turn the tide? From primary to secondary education, your parents accepted the responsibility. But you are old enough to take care of a simple college scholarship application. It takes some courage, self-confidence, and some excellent academic records to apply for a college scholarship. Keep in mind that is you who will utilize the financial aid that comes with the scholarship and not your parents. Thus, applying for a college scholarship is now your business, and you can do it with less supervision from your parents.
The procedure for college scholarship application is similar when you apply for college. You need to learn every scholarship opportunity available and make a list of potential prospects that you think will fit your personal needs. Once through with the list, you need to create an application letter and state your achievements (good high school scholastic records and recommendation letters from your high school director and teachers) and you are now on your way on getting into college for less, if not for free.
The above-mentioned procedure is the most common way of getting a college scholarship. However, the chances of success lies in you, and you need to exert more effort to assure yourself of a financial aid when you go to college. To increase your chances, here are some pointers that you can consider:
• You should start as early as your high school years. There are many college scholarships that open during your senior high school year. In addition, these financial aid programs are only open in a specific period of time. Once the application closes, you have to wait for another year before you can file for your application. Starting early will give you better chances of getting the best financial aid available.
• Give importance to the scholarship requirements. Keep in mind that among all available scholarships, there are only few that will fit your qualifications. Read the eligibility standards of the college scholarship that you want to apply. If you found out that the financial aid does not fit with the qualifications that you have, search for another. Do not insist yourself on scholarships where your chances of success is minute.
• Do not forget to complete the requirements asked by the college scholarship. Prepare the documents that are commonly asked by the scholarship grantee to its applicants.
• Your application letter will be your “speaking alter-ego” to the sponsor of the college scholarship you have applied for. Thus, you need to create an application letter that will convince the sponsor that you honestly need the financial aid and you deserve to get one, state honest information in your application. Never include false information especially if your purpose is just to “flatter” the sponsor with your achievements.
After you followed the aforementioned recipe, you are now ready to submit your application to the scholarship screening committee. Be prepared for other requirements (such as interviews and examinations) that will determine if you are eligible to receive a college scholarship.
Follow the aforementioned college freshman’s recipe when you apply for a college scholarship. And best of all, do not forget to pray that the sponsor would consider you eligible for the college scholarship. Good luck!
Petersons Sports Scholarship and College Athletic Program: Getting your Way towards becoming a College-Bound Student Athlete
Supposedly you are a high school athlete who want to continue his sports career and has high hopes in entering the varsity when you go to college. You are confident enough that you will be able to attract the attention of college varsity coaches who might offer you some scholarship money that will help you a lot with regards to your college studies. You are aware that studying in college is expensive, and your parents may not afford it. Thus, you are using your talent as your capital in getting into any college sports scholarship program and at the same time continue your passion—being an athlete.
Thus, you need to start some research so that you will be able to arrive with a college sports scholarship program. But where will you start? Getting a college sport scholarship is probably a new thing to you, and definitely you will start from scratch, constantly wondering where to beginyour researching tasks.
How about getting the famous Peterson’s guidebook about getting a college sports scholarship? Instead of spending long hours in front of your personal computer and yet ending up with nothing, you may consider reading this guidebook and learn how to grab the best college sports scholarship that will match your college needs.
Published in August of 2004, this Peterson’s guidebook complete title is Peterson’s Sports Scholarship and College Athletic Programs, which is an “all-inclusive, college-by-college look at different college sports scholarships, intercollegiate athletic programs, and other financial information that is intended for high school athletes who want to continue playing at intercollegiate level and at the same time having the financial difficulty of getting to college”.
Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
It scans different college sports scholarships available in the United States. The guidebook’s content reveals the detail of various athletic programs from over 1,700 two- and four-year schools, including their respective national association and conference affiliations. From this guidebook, you will also get the names and contact numbers of college team coaches, descriptions of sports facilities, and graduation rates for student-athletes. In addition, it also lists around 30 types of sports games (everything from basketball to wrestling), both for men and women as well as their cross references from other schools offering those sports. Thus, you will be able to check if your sport is among the ones that offers college sports scholarship.
Here is the summary of the contents of Peterson’s Sport Scholarship and College Athletic Programs:
• The Recruiting Process, which tackles finding your perfect fit with regards to college athletics, and other recruitment-related issues.
• Coach’s Forum, which includes views of head coaches of different sports in various colleges and universities across the United States.
• The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Guide for College-Bound Student Athlete, which tackles the eligibility-requirements of student athlete to different college sports scholarships as well as NCAA initial-eligibility clearinghouse.
• The alphabetical listings of various college athletic programs.
• Indexes, which include geographic listings of various college athletic programs, which is also sorted according to the sport and division where it belongs.
Through the Peterson’s Sport Scholarship and College Athletic Programs Guidebook, you will be able to reach your dream of becoming a college-bound student athlete while at the same time getting your college degree. It is the best gift that you can give to yourself, so do not ever miss the opportunity to do so.

Track the Field to Athletic Scholarship
Many of the youth today are gifted with aptitudes in sports. Some excel in gymnastics, swimming, archery, while the others excel in football, golf, martial arts, track and field events, and the list goes on.
Nowadays, the youths agility to fulfill their passions comes with a bonus—athletic scholarship.
Athletic scholarships are specially designed for the students who excel in sports provided they will be able to acquire a good grade which is appropriate to the required scores of the organization who funded the scholarship. And of course, the talent that goes with the discipline a devoted sports person desires.
If you are one of these sports person who want to acquire the said scholarship, your initial step is to look for the college institutions or universities which present the academic program that suits to your interests.
However, you still have to note that educating yourself even thoughplaying sports. As you join a division, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of attending either in smaller colleges or large institutions.
You may find yourself standing out though in a smaller college. You may also join in large institutions, but chances are you might find yourself just as an alternative to a lot of other athletes.
You must be aware that the sports played during college are not like playing in your school or in your local community. Before engaging here, you can consult first your trainer/coach if you're “good enough” to qualify for college sports already.
The level of play is very much different and so much competition has sent what was dubbed as great players in their community to mediocrity in this level.
There are two ways in presenting the athletic scholarship. First is through official applications. And the following is the scout’s recommendations who represents the colleges and who travels to assess players in various sports, looking for the players that possess star qualities.
If you aim to succeed, aim to excel in your sophomore year. Maintain high grades to meet the academic requirements. It is also advisable that you compile your accomplishments for being an athlete. Consult to your coach whether which sports you will be best fitted according to your abilities.
Also, be keen in selecting the school which offers an immense balance between sports and academics. Talk to a career guidance counselor; this may help you in choosing the subjects you can study so you can qualify not just in sports alone. Establish contacts among the coaches of the college where you are applying, in addition, and let them know that yoo are dedicated and eager to know more about their curriculum.
Most of all, show your best advantages like showcasing both academic and athletic accomplisments. Then cite that you are looking for a scholarship. It will also be an advantage if you would initiate in submitting the applications to the college where the coach you wanted to contact works, this will emphasize your enthusiasm on the program.
With all the colleges and universities that offer athletic scholarships for great athletes, your college education will never be too straining to your parent’s purse anymore. Instead, they will feel glorified of having a kid who can excel not just in sports alone, but also in academics.
Now, as you go on to your application, remember that handling the application sensibly matched with discipline are the best recipes to ensure full scholarship in college.
College Scholarship for Black Student: Passport to Success
He was the designated National Spokesman for Nation of Islam, a religious and socio-political organization founded in the United States which is aimed to resurrect the mental, social, spiritual, and economic condition of black men and women in the country as well as on other parts of the world.
He is Malcolm X.
He was the famous leader of the American civil right movement and won the Nobel Peace Prize because of his promotion of peace and equal treatment of different races throughout the world.
He is Martin Luther King, Jr.
He is the three-time World Heavyweight Boxing Champion and one of the best pound-for-pound boxers ever existed, which made his way towards the Boxing Hall of Fame.
He is Muhammad Ali, or Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
Each of them has their own world to explore and own business to attend. But there is one thing that binds them as one.
All of them are African-Americans, or also known as Black Americans.
A Black American is considered to be one of the members of an ethnic group in the United States, whose ancestors are traced its roots predominantly in Africa. Majority of them are descendants of African slaves who were transported from Central Africa through the Middle Passage to North America and the Caribbean during the trans-Atlantic slave trade (1609-1807). Others are immigrants from European and African nations who are classified by the United States census as African-American demographically instead of socially.
Their population is estimated to be at 40 million and they are predominantly Christians and Muslims. Furthermore, due to hundreds of events that happened within the history of the United States, Black Americans rose from the ethnic ranks and proved themselves to be called a majority class instead of being in the ethnic class. They have triumphed, producing Black American personalities who succeeded in their respective field of endeavors.
And all black college students want to succeed in reaching their respective dreams.
Despite of the popularity of various Black American personalities, poverty is still within the ranks of several Black American families. They experience difficulties in sending their children to college, particularly in exclusive universities such as Harvard and Yale. They can withstand the discrimination that is still present despite of everything that has happened, yet poverty is what they cannot withstand anymore.
Is there any hope for a black student to study in college?
Yes, there is.
And it is through getting a black college scholarship.
There are hundreds of scholarships available that are not just open to White Americans, but are also intended for Black American students. There you have the scholarships for minority students, college scholarships provided by Black American and African organizations (whether civic or religious), and government-sponsored scholarships for black students. The United States Constitution clearly states that there should be no discrimination in terms of getting a solid and well-provided education to its citizens. Whether you are a white or a black, you are entitled to receive a high quality of education in the country.
With these scholarships for aspiring black college students, they will be able to fulfill their dreams of becoming one of the successful personalities, just like Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Muhammad Ali, who have already left a mark in their respective fields of endeavor. Poverty is just a minor obstacle—there is hope on anything, including for a black student who want to take a step higher and get himself to college.
The 4 W's in Looking for the Right College Cheerleading Scholarship
Education is a very important gift that parents can give to their children. But because of the difficult times that many families experience, sending their children to school can be quite a burden. Many families are experiencing financial problems which unable them to allow their child to pursue a degree in college.
If your problem is all about money matters, there is no reason to lose hope. You can still find a light at the tunnel's end if only you know what options are available for you. You must be aware that colleges and universities offer scholarships to qualified students, so why not apply for one.
Some students are gifted with special talents that can be very useful when you go to college. College education is expensive, no matter course or degree you wish to take. And year after year, tuition fees are still getting higher.
During your high school days, you probably enjoyed cheerleading, gymnastics, and dancing. Did you know that now there are universities and colleges that offer cheerleading scholarships? Yes, you've heard it right. Cheerleading scholarships can help you a lot in reducing the cost in going to college.
Would-be college students have a lot of options available for them. They can apply for college scholarships and grants such as athletic scholarships, academic scholarships, and most of all, cheerleading scholarships. The best thing about these scholarships is that you'll get free money which you will use in paying for your college fees. And take note, you don’t have to repay the money that was given to you. Usually, scholarships and grants are funded by the state, federal agencies, and private entities/institutions.
The four factors that you should consider in looking for a cheerleading scholarship are the four W's.
1. Who
The first this that you should do is to find the advisor or coach of the cheerleading team. Ask for the name that's in charge in the department of financial aid. Then you should contact these persons, and tell them that you want to apply for a scholarship. There are websites which can provide you with the needed information in applying for a cheerleading scholarship. When making a correspondence, make sure that you do it in a professional way. Tell your parents what your plans are for college.
2. What
Ask the proper authority for the available financial aid for cheerleading scholarships. Take note of all the requirements, and should there be try outs, prepare yourself well. You have to prepare all your paper work and other financial records.
3. Where
The place where you are going to get your college degree is of utmost consideration. You can choose a college at a local place or you can attend abroad (if your finances allow it). The internet is a very useful tool for searching through different colleges and universities in your locality or state.
4. When
Ask and take note of the deadline of the application and requirements. Make sure that you meet all of them on time. And after submitting your papers, do some follow-ups.
Some students might be overwhelmed of the things that will come their way in college. The best way to experience all of this is through a scholarship. Aside from being able to attend college classes, you're also enjoying what you love best, cheerleading. Your hobby now has helped you go through college.
Christian College Scholarship: Following the Path where God Leads You
What would be your life after high school?
Graduating from high school is the moment of truth. You need to decide on the path that you will follow after your high school life. There are some who prefer to get a job right away instead of pursuing their respective college dreams while others will join the military as their service to the American people. But a majority of high school graduates are still undecided in terms of what career they will pursue after high school.
However, the most essential thing you need to remember is to do follow the path where God is leading you.
There was once a college professor who has earned his bachelor’s degree on a Christian college. He felt like he was in “heaven”—in a place where he is surrounded by professors and students who are all devoted Christians. They supported him in the endeavor he wants to push through while studying. He had also friends who attended other Christian colleges and experienced the same thing.
Although attending a Christian college will not lead to a sacerdotal ordination as a priest or a soldier of God, getting yourself enrolled in college where the administrators, staff, faculty, and students are devoted Christians is indeed an excellent choice. They care not only for your education, but also to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. In addition, there were past researches made indicating that students who attend Christian colleges are most likely to affirm their Christian faith and strong belief in God.
Probably you are afraid of the potential “high cost” of attending a Christian college or university. However, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, there are many students who have attended Christian colleges and universities through the help of generous donors. Just like regular colleges and universities, Christian colleges also offer scholarships to students who are having financial difficulties yet are determined to finish their collegiate studies and obtain their college degree through the intervention of God.
There are several steps that you can take to receive a Christian college scholarship. These are as follows:
• Spring of Junior Year- during at this stage of your high school education, there are various sponsors that offer scholarships to students who want to finish their college education on a Christian college. Most of the scholarships offered during this time have application deadlines set on the senior years.
• January-May of your High School Senior Year- at this point, you need to complete a FAFSA or the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid. You can get these from your high school counselor or from the Christian college where you plan to enroll.
After you completed your FAFSA, your ISIR or Institutional Student Informational Record would be produced and would be sent to the Christian college where you are listed. Once the college received your ISIR, they will send you a SAR or Student Aid Report. Complete the information on the SAR to receive the financial aid package.
Keep in mind that the best way to obtain a good Christian college scholarship is to do your best while you are on your high school years. It means that you should have a higher GPA, higher rankings from your academic class, and higher score on your SAT. Aside from your excellent academic records, you must have an active participation in other school activities such as youth groups, community volunteer programs, and others.
As mentioned earlier, follow the path where God wants to lead you. Do not be afraid, through His intervention, your Christian college life will not be as difficult as others may think.
Comprehending College Scholarship and Attain it Easily
Whenever a student enters college, especially those who belong in a family that earns an average income, the sole thing that pressures them is the expensive amount needed for the education, which almost crushes them financially to the ground.
Money, is the established traditional excuse for the financially unprivileged students to fail in pursuing their college education, it has always been the issue, worn out by time.
However, this issue is by far resolved when the scholarship became accessible to the disadvantaged. Through scholarships, the expenses for college became easy for the students.
To most people, the term scholarship is likewise used up by time. But how far do we really understand the term “scholarship”?
It is a fact that for most students and parents the term scholarship can still be confusing. Whenever they hear the term, they directly associate it to free tuition and fees, students’ loans, and grants.
But knowing the exact process of scholarship could save you and your parents’ purse from too much drainage of money, most probably tens of thousands of dollars, as the scholarship takes charge of your education.
Basically, scholarship are monetary grants given by the state government, public and private institutions and organizations, college, institutions, charitable foundations, guilds and the like for educational use.
Additionally, scholarship is different from student loans, the scholarship gives off money without the condition of repaying it. While the student loans involve the agreement of repaying the borrowed money to supplement the students’ college educational expenses at a certain time, and with the corresponding interests.
The following are the list of available scholarships:
• National Merit Scholarship
• Athletic Scholarship
• Career, Professional, and Trade-Association-Sponsored Scholarships
• Academic Merit Scholarship
• Work Study
• Special Scholarships
• Ethnic and Religious Scholarship
• Alumni Legacy Scholarship
• Transfer Student Scholarship
• Community Organization Sponsored Scholarship
With all of these available scholarships it became quite perplexing for certain students to recognize the scholarship that would fit best their qualifications.
Most often the problem lies on the searching process, which scholarship to apply for, and where will they apply.
The most possible answer for this setback is basically to know the proper resources. There is the college scholarship search engine; you can access it for free in the internet. Through this, you will not just save your time and money; you can also get recent updates.
On the other hand, it is suggested that you read carefully the requirements, if you think you are fitted then you can proceed on your application, if you think you don’t, and then try to look for another. Remember, as you apply for more scholarships, there will be greater chances that you will be able to win a scholarship or more.
Furthermore, most of the scholarships are based on the academic performances of the students, the ability for attaining and maintaining high-grades. While some are based on the students’ artistic ability, excellence in sports, or awarded to the students who excel in a specific field.
The facts presented in this article can be sum up to a specific thing, once you know how to accumulate the information, the process on applying for a scholarship, and where your qualification suits, it will only be easier for you to attain financial aid throughout your college years.
Getting the Best Financial Assistance through College Scholarship Search Engine
College education is not as simple as it was before. In fact, the cost of studying in college nowadays is becoming quite expensive, considering that there are now additional fees to be taken cared of. Aside from the tuition fees, you have the laboratory fees, college-bound books that should be purchased within the school premises, and other miscellaneous fees (for dental health, for instance). Add to it the cost of board and lodging as well as the food expenses if you decide to study in a college or university situated on other states.
If your family is financially-strapped that even your basic needs are not fully met, it will be a hard time for you to convince your parents to allow you to study in college. Getting a college degree will just remain to be one of your wildest dreams forever—not unless you do something to realize such dream.
You may seek some part-time work so that you will have sufficient funds to finance your college education. However, this type of action will certainly have an adverse effect in your studies, especially if you cannot guarantee that you can handle your part-time work and your college studies at the same time. Thus, it is not an ideal option for a student who opts to study without any important interference, such as a part-time work.
Fortunately, there is still an available and at the same time an ideal option for you. That is, to get yourself a college scholarship.
Your college scholarship will help you finance your college studies and obtain the degree that you want. There are different types of college scholarships that are intended for a specific college degree, whether you decide to pursue a commerce or an engineering career someday. Furthermore, these college scholarships have sufficient funding—either from the federal and state government, colleges and universities, or private institutions—to assure that every scholar will finish their respective degrees without any delay with regards to the financial aspect.
The great thing about a college scholarship is that you are not required to reimburse the expenses that you have incurred during your college years. The funds are allocated for you as if these are your own funds. It is advantageous for students who wants to earn a college degree yet does not have the necessary financial capabilities to do so, compared to other forms of financial assistance such as college loans or federal loans.
At this point, you are probably worrying about where to find these college scholarships that are available. You need not worry; for the Internet is now flooded with college scholarships search engines. This special type of online-based search engine is an online directory of different types of college scholarships, together with the name of the sponsor and their contact phone numbers. If you are lucky in your search in a single college scholarship search engine, you will be provided with the qualifications to be eligible for that scholarship. Thus, through this search engine, you will be able to come up with the college scholarship that will suit your specific college needs.
With these college scholarship search engines, you will have the golden opportunity of getting the degree that you want despite the financial difficulties that you are experiencing. Use this one-of-a-kind advantage and see the results—you may just find yourself with other aspiring college freshman falling in line to pay for tuition fees.

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